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  • Making Life Better One â€‹Connection at a Time

    How connected do you feel your people are?

     Be more engaged and effective through Connection, Collaboration and Inspiration.

    Services Offered
    Jo Burns Headshot

Ways We Can Connect

Looking for ways to better connect, collaborate and inspire your customers, your staff, your partners and your community?  Let's talk about ways to make your goals and priorities come to life!

Connect People

Do you need your partner group to grow? Let's link experience, knowledge and humor for powerful discussions on connection, public health, parks and recreation, built environment and community where it intersects with the overall health of your organization, staff or community members.

Create Your Amazing

Do you want your people to learn, grow and connect in a safe, fun and interactive environment? Let's create "one of a kind" educational summits and events for diverse people from multiple sectors specifically designed to meet your goals. 

Collaborate Together

Does your organization need to broaden it's scope to provide more with less? Let's bring together unlikely partners and stakeholders for multi-sectoralcollaborations to improve project dynamics and community reach.   

Cultivate Connections

Who do you want to do business with? People you know, like, trust and value?  Let's cultivate some uncommon connections into strong relationships for better business, inclusion and community health.  We can work together to connect your teams, your organization and your community. 

We want you to feel welcome here!

A little about Jo

 Jo is an award winning advocate for healthy communities.  She is the Chief Connection and Collaboration Officer for Jo Burns Connects. Jo is the co-founder and director for the Colorado Public Health/Parks and Recreation Collaborative.

She is an insightful connector, collaborator, speaker, trainer, educator and consultant for non-profits, public entities, higher education and community organizations.  She has over 20 years experience working with diverse populations in recreation, camps, parks and public health. 

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