August – the Not “Special” Month

08/30/2024 02:35 PM Comment(s) By Jburns

What transitions are you experiencing this month?

August is weird.  There are no fancy holidays, nothing to decorate or dress up for.  It’s best known for “back to school” days and buying school supplies.  After helping our daughter move back to college, it should be national “make a transition” month. Kids all over the country are transitioning into new grades, new lives, new responsibilities, just a whole bunch of new.  And new can be scary and inviting.  Some folks get excited for all new pencils, notebooks and other supplies, while others get excited for seeing old friends and making new ones. For some the transition is overwhelming…too much new and not enough familiar and we don’t talk about this part as much.

Parents and caregivers of all types are also experiencing transitions. Preschoolers headed to kindergarten, 5th or 6th graders migrating to middle school, 9th graders jumping into high school, and recent HS grads moving into college, trade school, full-time work and life as an adult or just trying to figure out what they want to do when they grow up. I remember when my son was starting kindergarten at the public school, I knew he was ready to take it by storm because he had already done kindergarten at his daycare albeit as a youngster. His transition was relatively easy and so was mine, but there were parents who were crying like babies when the classroom door closed. Fast forward twelve years and that was me when he left for college.

It can be as overwhelming as it is natural.  What we seldom talk about is the slew of emotions that go with each of these transitions both for the caregivers and the kid experiencing it.  There is typically some grief and uncertainty along with the excitement of opportunity and possibility.  We have to let go of something to make room for the opportunity for the next or new thing.

We adults may be going through transitions too. Experiencing what it’s like to be empty nesters (aka bird launchers) for the first time. Do we remember how to be a couple without the kids around? What will we talk about? What will we do with the extra time? Do we still enjoy doing stuff together?  We may be transitioning from part-time to full-time work, starting a new job or career, or considering retirement.

I believe we need to learn how to prepare for, experience and reflect on these transitions better and know that it’s normal. Can we make time to acknowledge what we will miss about the previous state of things? Can we identify all the different emotions that we’re experiencing related to the change and not just the “to-do” list to prepare for it? Can we acknowledge the excitement and anticipation along with the fear and uncertainty and that they are all normal?  Can we reflect on what we’ve learned, skills we’ve acquired, joy we’ve experienced, and mourn things we’ll miss? It’s just as important as the excitement we feel for what’s coming or the anxiety we have about the unknown.

What’s the transition you’re experiencing right now? What are you doing to  anticipate, prepare, experience and reflect?  How are you planning to endure and wade through the water of the unknown as you find your bearings?  And how are you helping and encouraging a kiddo, teen or loved one going through a transition too?  We’ve got this…especially when we take the time to share it with others going through it too. 

It’s August…what else have we got to do?!? 😉 Have a great Labor Day weekend!


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