Blog categorized as I CAN CHANGE

"G" is for Goals

We can’t accomplish anything unless we choose to. The act of choosing can be subtle or grand. Often its in the form of setting a goal we’d like to accomplish and there are multiple steps.  When I started mountain biking, I really didn’t know what I was doing, just hopped on the bike to hit a lo...

06/08/2022 11:25 AM - Comment(s)
"A" is for Action
Talk is good and Action is better. When you’re on the journey to make a CHANGE for health, you can’t get anywhere without making a choice and doing it. "A" is for Action. During this pandemic I knew I needed an outlet to get more active, something ...
05/19/2022 02:56 PM - Comment(s)
"E" is for Explain/Express Yourself

Well, it’s time for me to "Explain" what’s been going on. When I started the CHANGE Blog Series back in early 2021 "G" & "E" were supposed to stand for Goals and Express Yourself. Now it’s for GEEZ…what the heck happened. Did I fall off my bike? No, I wiped out...

05/19/2022 02:56 PM - Comment(s)
"N" is for Nudge & Network

The next letter in CHANGE is N, it's for Nudge and Networking. When you’re sitting on your bike at the top of a hill or the start of a run, sometimes you need a little nudge to take the leap to start. Sometimes you can’t see where the trail goes. Sometimes, it seems steeper in your mind and it’s har...

05/19/2022 02:56 PM - Comment(s)
"H" is for Health Vision
To create CHANGE for yourself or your organization you need vision…in this case a Health vision. H – is the next letter of CHANGE. What do you want your definition, your vision of Health to be? One of the first things you learn in mountain biking is where to look, where should your vision be focused...
05/19/2022 10:59 AM - Comment(s)
"C" is for Collaborate not Cookie
C is for Collaborate - decide who your team is going to be
05/17/2022 11:12 AM - Comment(s)
I CAN CHANGE...yeah really!
How Mountain Biking set me on a new path.
05/17/2022 11:12 AM - Comment(s)